Privacy Policy

The defined terms used in our Privacy Policy have the same meaning as in our Terms of Service

We take your privacy and personal data protection very seriously. In this Privacy Policy we set data protection standards and describe how information from you is collected, used, maintained and disclosed by us.

By using the Site, Application and Services, you agree to this Privacy Policy and all revisions thereof. If you do not agree, do not use the Site, Application or Services.


You must be eighteen or over to enter and register as the User in the Site or Application. Children under eighteen years of age are prohibited from using our Site, Application and Services. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from persons under 18. If we become aware that a person under 18 has provided us with his/her personal information, we will delete such information from our files.


We collect personally-identifying information (i.e. personal data) when you

  • Visit the Site and/or download the Application.
  • Create or update your personal account and profile.
  • Subscribe for our various notification services (e.g. newsletters, promotions etc.).
  • Order the Guide’s Tourguidefind services.
  • Make other activities connected to the Site, Application or Services.

We process the following personal data provided by you in your account and profile:

  • Name.
  • Location.
  • Profile photos.
  • Document Photos.
  • Email address.
  • Phone number.
  • Languages spoken.
  • Daily or hourly guide service rate.
  • Contact details for notifications.
  • Invoice and payment related information.

Submission of personal data to the Site and Application is regarded as your consent to the personal data processing by us for one or more purposes specified in Privacy Policy.

We will store your personal data for the duration of the use of the Site, Application and Services as well as for the statutory limited period thereafter if it is so required by applicable law.

You have the right to be forgotten. When you decide to close your account we will delete all your personal data, except payment related and other statutory required data, after 30 days after closing the account. In case of direct marketing, your personal data will be stored until the consent for direct marketing is revoked.

Personal data submitted by you and stored in the Site and Application will be accessible to you for rectification. You have the right to amend your incorrect personal data.

We reserve the right to use your IP address to determine and publicly share your location in the Site or Application.

If you send us personal correspondence, such as emails or letters, or if other Users or third parties send us correspondence about your activities or postings on the Site or Application, we have a right to collect such information into a file that is accessed only by authorized our personnel or representatives. We may also collect and publish the comments about you made by other Users. Such comments will be publicly available.

There might be a function in the Site or Application, under which you may choose to use our referral service to tell a friend or friends about us. In this case, we will ask you for your friend’s name and email address and email your friend an invitation to him or her to visit the Site or Application. We maintain this information for the sole purpose of sending email and tracking the status of the referral. Your friend or friends may contact us to request that we remove their email address from our records. Before submitting personal data of your friends to us, you must have his or her consent.

The Site and Application may contain links to other sites. You shall be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices and personal data processing of such other sites. We encourage our Users to be aware when they leave our Site or Application and to read the privacy policies of each and every web site that collects personal data.

We will not collect any other personal data about you from any other sources. In case you think we may have more of your personal data than you provided, you may request our support team via the email address: to provide you all of your personal data that we have, and request is to be deleted. In such case you will have to prove your identity


We respect privacy rights and interests of each our User. We will abide by the following principles when processing personal data:

  • Personal data will be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the individual.
  • Personal data will be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.
  • Personal data will be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; every reasonable step will be taken to ensure that personal data that is inaccurate, with regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay.
  • Personal data will be kept in a form which permits identification of individuals for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed.
  • Personal data will be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures.


You may inquire about the nature of your personal data stored or processed by us. All such requests for access may be made at any time by contacting us via the email address:

If any personal data is inaccurate on incomplete, you may request that the data be corrected. It is your responsibility to provide us with accurate personal data about yourself and to update them accordingly.

If you demonstrate that the purpose for which your data is being processed is no longer legal or appropriate, the data will be deleted, unless applicable law requires otherwise.

If your personal data processing for a particular purpose is based on your consent, then you have the right to revoke your consent for such processing at any time and we will stop the processing of your personal data for such purpose immediately. You have the right to request and get your personal data processed by us in a computer readable format.

We will respond free of charge to Users’ requests regarding their personal data processing without undue delay and at the latest within one month and provide arguments where we do not intend to comply with such requests.

If you have any questions or complaints regarding the your personal data processing, please contact our Data Protection Officer directly via the email address:


We use the information we collect to try to provide a safe, efficient, and customized experience. The main aim of use of collected information is to provide our Site, Application and Services and features to you, to measure and improve those, and to provide you with customer support.

We use collected information internally to improve our marketing efforts, analyse use of the Site, Application and Services, improve our content and product offerings and customize the content of the Site and Application and layout. This allows us to improve the Site, Application and Services and better tailor your online experience.

We may use your email address or telephone number to send you periodic news updates, notifications, marketing information and other information, that in some cases, is target to your interest, such banners and promotion, etc. We will ensure that you could easily opt-out from receiving such marketing communications. You may choose to unsubscribe at any time by using instructions provided in each our email, personal account or by contacting us using email

We may use collected information to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and enforce any agreements, policies and rules governing the use of the Site, Application and Services.


We do not sell or rent any of your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes without your permission.

However, in these situations, we do not disclose information in any form that could be used to identify you personally such as password of your account, credit card number and bank account number.

In response to compulsory (required) governmental and/or third party inquiries, we may disclose your personal data to comply with a court order, subpoena, and search warrant.

If the ownership of all or substantially all of our business changes, we may transfer your personal data to the new owner so that the Services can continue to operate. In such a case, your personal data processing would remain subject to the promises made in Privacy Policy.


If you tick the appropriate boxes or otherwise indicate in your profile, you give us the right to send you notifications which include new booking requests and messages, information about travelers visiting your city, information about offers you receive from Locals while travelling and (or) general information, updates and promotions from us. The notifications can be sent via your mobile phone or email (it depends on your own choice). You can use your profile settings for email and mobile phone notifications to control notifications you receive from us. You can also unsubscribe from a notification by unticking appropriate boxes in your profile.


You must not use another Users’ personal data for commercial purposes, direct marketing, to spam, to harass, or to make unlawful threats. We reserve the right to terminate those who misuse other Users’ data or who otherwise violate any user agreements, policies, or rules governing the use of the Site, Application and Services.


We reserve the right to modify the Privacy Policy as needed, for example, to comply with changes in laws, regulations, Tourguidefind practices and procedures, or requirements imposed by data protection authorities.

If we decide to change this Privacy Policy we will update this page together with modification date above. We encourage you to frequently check the Privacy Policy for any updates. You understand and agree that it is your responsibility to check periodically this Privacy Policy for updates to become informed about any changes. At any time, the up to date version of the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service can be found on the Site and Application.

The Privacy Policy is integral part of the Terms of Service.

Email Address:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy, please send a detailed message to